hey there.what a good post. tnx for the informationand concerning your comment, that was an old story by Samad Behrangi, wich called "kachale kaftarbaz" and have been published in year 1346. if u wanna know what happend to the doves and kachal, u should read the story!but ive uploaded this story in PDF format for u here: http://hadinegaresh.persiangig.ir/other/book/Kachale_KaftarBaz.pdf you can download and read.and about ur latter words, i think im not diffrent in my blog. im the same always! but i have some diffrent methods in my notes. i think u meant just this let me say you won"t make mistakes henceforth.
(bygones are bygone...)
have a good time sisterand sorry for my poor english :(